The annual AGM was held via Skype in Sunday 15 December. It was great to have some more BFA members take part. So, it’s the end of another year and it is not quite all change, but the BFA are saying goodbye to some key committee members. We would like to say a huge thank you to Steve Millard, Martyn Jones, Gary McGrath & Ed Wardel. Without the hard work and support all our committee members give, the BFA could not function and it’s been a successful year thanks to team work. We would like to say an extra big thank you to Martyn Jones who as E-media officer has given so many years service to the committee and always with such support, warmth, enthusiasm and energy. And in saying goodbye, we welcome Adam Drzazga, Bart Lubecki, Tim Money and Charlotte Sundburg.
From all of us at the BFA, may we wish you a very Merry Christmas & may 2014 be full of beautiful blue dives!
Dave Tranfield, Ed Wardle, Martyn Jones, Jay Cluskey, Gary Lowe,
Present, George, Beci Ryan, Gary, Steve , Adam, Tim, Benedicte
20012/13 Committee
Chair: Steve Millard
Clubs Officer: Georgina Miller
Competitions Officer: Ed Wardle
E Media Officer: Martyn Jones
Membership Secretary: gary lowe
Press Officer: beci ryan
Records & AIDA Liaison Officer: David tranfield
Secretary: ary mcGrath
Sponsorship Officer: Jay Cluskey
Training & Safety Officer: Liv Philip
Treasurer: Gareth Cantin care taken by martyn Jones
1) Thanks to Steve, gary lowe, gary mcgrath, ed, and gareth for their time on the committee and warm welcome to all the new committee members, Adam as chair, Bart as competitions, tim as emedia, and charlotte as membership.
2) Apologies
3) Minutes of last meeting : any objections? If not, continue
4) Notification of Committee Members for 2012/13
Chair: Adam Dzraga
Clubs Officer: George Miller
Competitions Officer: Bart Lubecki
E Media Officer: Tim Money
Membership Secretary: Charlotte Lundberg
Press Officer: Beci Ryan
Records & AIDA Liaison Officer: David Tranfield
Secretary: care taken by Georgina miller
Sponsorship Officer: Jay Cluskey
Training & Safety Officer: Liv Philip
Treasurer: caretaken by Martyn jones
5) Statement of Income and Expenditure
6) Proposal that accounts should have independent report
7) Committee reports : Full reports will be online.
8) Constitutional Changes :to have 3 signatories for finances from committee as treasurer, chair and membership. Agreed.
9) Rule Changes : none
10) Announcement of Fees : no change to Membership Fee for 2013
11) Team Selection for 2013 :
AIDA Individual depth World Championships will be in Sardinia in September 2014. Propose: aim to send maximum number of athletes possible to this event (top three by AIDA ranking plus reserves, captain and coach),choose the team based on AIDA Ranked performance in 18 months prior to cut off date. Cut off date 3 months before entry deadline.
To try to run ranked competitions in all disciplines in the UK in time for the selection date .
Teams selected at the event according to ranked points with reserves.
12) Announcement of UK Champions :Congratulations to Tim Money and Liv Philip. Results gathered by Georgina Miller according to AIDA ranked points.
13) Key mission for 2012/13 : get up to 300 members so we can aim for more recognition from UK Sport. By paying for a stand at the dive show open to all clubIdeas welcome on how to grow membership, and membership lists becoming available to committee members to use for their roles..
14) AOBTo ask committee members to create handover packs for next generation committee.To create a collaborative workspace and file sharing space for committee.